Monday, July 16, 2012

Wisconsin Four Fundraiser

A few weeks back we posted about four dogs MSIR was rescuing from a commercial breeder whom we have nicknamed the Wisconsin Four.  Even after the generous discounts from the vetrinary clinics the Wisonsin Four's initial vet care costs total $3482.76.  They will also need ongoing care to treat a variety of neglected medical conditions.   Each day this week we will be highlighting one of these very special dogs. Please check back for more information! 

To help cover the costs of the Wisconsin Four's vetrinary bills MSIR is raffling a beautiful handmade shiba inu tea cup and 3 chopstick rests. This pottery is hand made by Mariko Yatabe in Tokyo, Japan. Mariko makes traditional Japanese pottery from scratch, and hand paints it.  She does not use anything that contains lead or other poisonous chemicals. They are food safe and made to be used.

Go to: for more information.

The raffle winner will be drawn once we reach the fundraising goal.

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